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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

new land of crazy

currently listening to: redline flights, mischna
currently craving: a massage
currently, currently: covered in white paint

check it out :) the gathering! my latest

i found some of my new favorite images!!!!! I LOVE STAR WARSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!

this is a lithograph print i made; most of my prints are made in series of three's. i love doors and not knowing what is within them. also i think they just look sweet & i love wood grain.

last weekend a friend and i went to the closing ceremony at the soap factory in minneapolis for "the new land of milk & honey." if you haven't heard of this already, prepare yourself for something crazy. i'm all for being innovative and experimental, but this.....this was too much. late one night in february, i was flipping through channels and a bald man with a head piece and a lady on a segway dressed as dr. seuss praising a tetrahedron. i'm serious. i did some research and found out this is not just a performance thing, it is a real community of people. i wasn't shocked, i was closer to being disturbed. i wanted to find out for myself if this was truly real. yep. they all live together, grow their own food, dress 'different' (i have to be safe here) and are into things such as "electronic sleep, ley/tectonic farm acceleration, solar wave exchange, cryptoceramics, and chronobiology." they had a "trance tent," tye-dying, a tarot card reader, and a video presentation that was, to me, nothing more than neon 90's microsoft graphic-style blurbs and flashing lights, with purposefully weird music. we couldn't restrain our laughter, i'm sorry. people are into what they're into, but when they hand you a flyer on "the ritual on the metamorphosis of solids," you just have to say "really?" maybe you just need to take a look at it yourself, and honestly, i would LOVE to hear what you think: ummm yea.


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