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Friday, April 30, 2010

final stretch

currently listening to: silvia, miike snow
currently craving: a crazy, much needed thunderstorm
currently, currently: thesis show at macalester (it was sweet! i really loved their gallery space)

good news..i am surprised with how focused i am!? with about 2 weeks left of school, then i'm done FOREVER!!!!!! i have my art show in art-a-whirl coming up on the 14th, and the opening reception on the 6th. also, i got two of my pieces accepted into a juried show called raspberry monday that opens on the 1st, which is really exciting! here is my latest poster 'series' we'll call it. we needed 4 posters to hang up advertising the 4 events starting next week. this is possibly my last project!! it is cool up close too :)

i told you i loved shapes. here is a sneak peek of my final project in digital imaging. i don't know what it will turn into. any ideas??

any & all prayers you have for me to get through the final stretch are needed and appreciated.


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