currently craving: a coffee date
currently, currently: hot laptop on my legs
so i found this site, and somehow i have wasted many many nights searching through the archives and creating my fantasy wardrobe. here is one i made. i feel 12 again....but with more expensive clothes.
i was browsing a favorite design blog and found an image i loved. i've been trying to create designs using colored smoke and incorporating dancers/figures into the image similar to this image [although this far surpasses mine.] little did i know, this band is brilliant!!! delphic, an alternative dance/electronic band from the UK released an album very recently (2009, and singles in 2010) that are worth checking out. loveee euro bands.
and i really like this light sculpture by artist james clar & associates, who is now working out of Dubai. this piece is interesting because it speaks of the dynamics of relationships. there are 9 ballasts that hang from the ceiling (device that maintains the current in a circuit at a constant value by varying its resistance), with wires that support and provide electricity to the fluorescent bulbs. i can't tell if it is commenting on the fact that other people are there to provide a constant flow of support for "me," or if "me" is the most important contender in "you and me."
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